Sunday, 30 June 2024

CoL Inquiry - Part Four (Testing Reflection T2)

 Last time we spoke I mentioned that we would be running an eAsttle Maths test. I always try to remember that tests are a diagnostic; a way of identifying areas of strengths, and weaknesses, and gives us, as teachers, a really good opportunity to reassess what has worked, and what we need to improve on, not a reflection of how good we are as teachers, or how well my students learn. It is merely a snapshot, and even if it feels discouraging, it is not the whole story,

In this round of testing I have a mixed bag; for context, at this stage (Term 2) students at year 6 who are achieving at the norm achieve a 3P in their eAsttle tests.

The testing results for the students in my inquiry focus group (names excluded) are as follows; 

- 3 scored a 2B (more than 2 years below norm)

- 3 achieved a 2P (2 years below norm)

-  2 achieved a 2A (1.5 - 2 years below norm)

- one student achieved 3B (0.5 - 1 year below norm)

- one student achieved 3P. (at the norm)

It can be difficult when trying to align the results to see progress; eAsttle, PAT and Gloss all have their own scales, and scoring systems which can make it difficult to get a clear picture of progress. One of the things I will be doing in Term 1 of next year is being consistent with the testing to ensure I have a clearer picture of their progress as the year goes own. This will be alongside the school wide testing that we are required to do (PAT).

I will also be conducting Gloss tests, and will share my findings as Term 3 goes on.


CoL Inquiry - Using Evidence to Guide Practice - Part Five

My math practice this year has made considerable changes; personally I like I've grown in confidence with my practice, the research, the...